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Already in a Clan?

Any clan is not considered a clan if it is listed on the fansite that runs it as a "Member Group".
This means that clans like the "RuneVillage Army" are not counted as clans in our books.

With this said, I must sadly say that our regulations prevent any player who is already a part of another clan (that IS counted) from joining us. However, that doesn't mean you should just forget about us!!!

If you would like to talk about your clan, saying what's good about it, and what's bad, why not come to our forums and write about it? Click here to go to our special Clanpinion area.

If your clan is not as popular as you want it to be, it may benefit from an alliance. An alliance is basically a team-up with another clan, in example, ours. If you decide to ally, you may be asked to hold special clan events with us, such as special castlewars trips. The benefit is that both of our clans get increased popularity.

Click here to find out how to ally.

If, however, you are a fighting can who cares for nothing more than killing anyone you meet, then you can have your clan added to our "enemy" roster. If you are put onto our enemy roster, then the leader of either of our clans can decide at any time to hold a "Combat" event whereby both of our clans fight against each other. The time and date of this event must be agreed on by the leader of both clans.

Click here to become an enemy!

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